Presidential and Other 2024 Elections - Predictive Analysis and Implications for America (HYBRID: DRAKE HALL or ONLINE)
OSHR 5078Click the + icons in the boxes on the right side of the page to view an additional section of this course. OSHR 5078 001 meets at Drake Hall, and OSHR 5078 002 meets online.
The location of your class (Online or Drake Hall) will depend on the section for which you are registered. You must register for OSHR 5078 001 to attend this class in person at Drake Hall.
The 2024 Presidential, Congressional, and State elections will likely set America's course for the next decade or two. This course systematically considers the candidates, issues, and significant factors that will determine the electoral outcomes. Campaign strategy and campaign finance will be discussed. An in-depth explanation of polling, the use of AI and other computer applications, and voting laws will be covered. Each week, a different predictive model will be discussed and evaluated. The course is nonpartisan and will provide an understanding of the elections and their implications for the United States.
If you want to understand the American electoral process and the 2024 elections, this class is for you. The course will have extensive interaction and discussion with both in-person and Zoom participants in this hybrid format class. Feel free to contact me at
Dr. David Caputo received his BA from Miami University and his PhD from Yale University. He spent 26 years at Purdue University before becoming President of Hunter College (CUNY) in 1995. He became President of Pace University in 2000 and retired from Pace's political science department in 2018. From 1970 to 2000, he was a consultant to a major news organization and has served as an on-air commentator for CNN, Fox News, ABC News, the Financial Times, and other newspapers. He has taught the Elections course at Colorado State and continues to do election commentary. He is known for his nonpartisan and analytical approach to election coverage. He has taught election courses for CSU's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute since 2018.
- A current OLLI membership is required to register for all courses and lectures.
- If you do not have a Fall 2024 membership, one will be added to your cart at checkout.
- OLLI membership fees and course tuition are critical to the Institute's sustainability and are non-refundable.